UFO sighted in Mexico, Pueblo, in 1992.
3rd Dimension
UFOs, ETs, aliens, illuminati, conspiracy, mind control
If this world seems like a mess, then many answers as to why this is so can be found through the links on this page. Please note that I don't necessarily agree with all that is mentioned at the links given on this page or elsewhere on this site. A link is only mentioned because I think it offers information that will be useful, whether some of the information is correct or incorrect, or that I agree with it or not.
Look in the UFO & ETs categories to see which ETs have visited and occupied our planet for many thousands of years.
Conspiracy General
Secret societies
Mind control
Mind control and ritual abuse
911 and its aftermath.
Independant and/or pretty reliable latest news sources
UFOs & ETs General
Crop Circles
Conspiracy General
David Icke website. Site of this author who is one of the most prominent and amazing NWO researchers in the world. Find many articles, books, audio of radio interviews, articles & links, and more. This link leads to the headlines page.
David Icke articles. Articles by David Icke.
Jeff Rense website. One of the best news sources online, as it includes news on subjects as the NWO, UFOs, ETs, hidden knowledge, alternative health, etc..., articles, & audio. Be sure to check the audio archive of past radio shows!
Infowars.com Alex Jones' site on the NWO. News, articles and lots of audio and video on NWO subjects.
Branton. The Omega files, on UFOs, ETs, hidden knowledge, etc... If the link doesn't work, try this Google search.
About the Omega files. More from/about Branton and the Omega files, & links.
The Dulce book. By Branton. About the ET underground base.
Behold a pale horse. Excerpt from "Behold a pale horse" by William Cooper.
Phoenix Undead Amazing online book by John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc. about Montauk, time-travel, the amazing power of the mind, and much more. If the link doesn't work, try it here or here. The Biggest Secret Forum A sister site. Dutch/English site with forum on the NWO, UFOs and related subjects.
The Biggest Secret Forum Photoalbum Great selection of photos of the NWO, UFOs and ETs.
Hollow Planets. Site by Jan Lamprecht on the fact that planets are hollow, articles.
Illuminati news. A great site with tons of info on the Illuminati, other secret societies and manipulation of world events. Bilderberg.org On the higly secretive Bilderberg organization, which organizes an annual secret meeting of the western "power elite". Articles & links. Some other material can be found on their older site here and here.
Light Network website. Metaphysical, science, hidden knowledge, lightwork, health, native cultures, nature, etc... links.
Light Network website. Metaphysical, hidden knowledge, lightwork, articles & links.
Leading Edge research website. Hidden knowledge, scientific, fluoride, etc..., articles & links.
Leading Edge research website. Interview with Alex Christopher on the Denver Airport, ETs, UFOs, etc... article & links.
Nexus magazine website. UFOs, ETs, science, alternative world views hidden knowledge, more, articles & links.
New Netizen. Many, many NWO information once you dig into the site.
Satanic Bloodlines. Read about the most important Illuminati elite-families in the world. By Fritz Springmeier.
Al Bielek Official site of Al Bielek, a survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment, and involved with Montauk. On time travel, ETs, and more. Articles, CD-roms & videos.
Al Bielek interview.
The world-famous site Site on the paranormal, UFOs, Montauk, etc...
Montauk and Al Bielek Google search for more on Al Bielek and Montauk.
The Montauk Project THE Montauk website. Currently down. May be online when you read this.
Unity of Multi Site on Montauk, the Philidelphia experiment, UFOs, and much more... Articles & links.
Le centième singe. French website on UFOs and hidden knowledge, articles (in english) on the bar code, Diana, secret societies, etc...
Hieronimus & Co website. Home of Dr. Bob and Zoh Hieronimus, info on radio and TV programs about the paranormal, political cover-ups, UFOs and much more, + articles & links.
Cover up of the JFK jr. murder. Article.
The Lighthouse report. Will Robinson and Marilyn Colman on assassinations, articles & links.
Earthfiles. Site by Linda Moulton Howe, UFO, News, Cropcircles, Science & Medicine.
How pharma-cartel financed Auschwitz and works for the suppression of information on health. Mathias Raat on how the pharma-cartel made up of Hoechst, Bayer and BASF who were also financiers of Auschwitz are lobying for a total banning of information about natural therapies, particularly health information about vitamins.
George Bush - the Unauthorized Biography. This classic by W.G. Tarpley & A. Chaitkin is a "must read" for anyone interested in the NWO. Find it here free online.
The Bushes. More files on this organized crime family.
Free ebooks from Hiddenmysteries.com. On conspiracy and metaphysical subjects.
Scientology. Although initially an individual effort as opposed to a consorted effort of secret societies, here is an excellent on-line book with the "unauthorised" biography of L. Ron Hubbard. After reading this you will know everything you have to know about the man and his organization. Since some years scientology has been bought (as a company) by a secret societies related corporation that produces liquor.
AUM Online book about the apocalyptic AUM sect. Vivid accounts of criminal actions and mind-manipulation.
The Konformist. Site with serious and humorous info on the NWO.
Flight 990 Egyptian airliner crash. Good article, proving that it couldn't have been caused by a suicide.
Flight 800 - Breakthrough. How the US government has officially admitted to have purposefully sabotaged the TWA 800 investigation and unjustly jailed an investigative journalist who proved this.
Disinformation. News site with NWO related subjects.
The Chemtrails Crime. A good introduction to what chemtrails are and since when they exist.
The Chemtrails Crime. Great site with all you need to know about chemtrails. Articles & links.
Chemtrails vs contrails
A fair explanation of how many of the trails that seem to be chemtrails could well be genuine contrails.
Chemtrail buster! And here are the instructions to build a surprisingly simple device to bust those chemtrails away! At work!
Chemtrails photo selection Great selection of chemtrails photos.
Conspiracy planet Many, many articles and links.
The true face of the IMF. On the true strategies of the IMF, with evidence given by an ex-insider.
Secret Societies
Illuminati news. A great site with tons of info on the Illuminati, other secret societies and manipulation of world events. The Illuminati. A brief article on typical available info on who or what are the Illuminati. Nevertheless, the info is incomplete. To fill in the gaps, see the next links.
Interview with an ex-Illuminati member Extensive articles and interview with an ex-Illuminati member. For info on the Illuminatt scroll to the bottom of the page and see in particular chapter 1, 2 and 3, and of the written interview part 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Overview of info from ex-Illuminati member A sort of overview of the info found at the link above.
Svali search Other resources about the ex-illuminati member Svali, in case the previous links don't work.
Alien Astronomer website. A good overview of the secret societies, articles.
Bilderberg.org On the higly secretive Bilderberg organization, which organizes an annual secret meeting of the western "power elite". Articles & links. Some other material can be found on their older site here and here.
Freemasonry Watch. Monitoring the "invisible empire", the world's largest secret society.
The forbidden knowledge About ancient history and secret societies.
Mind control
The psycho files. 3rd Dimension - Many great information on psychiatric practices. Much of that information touches the subject of the pure unadulterated mind control discussed in the links below.
The accounts of an Illmuniati mind control victim, programmer and trainer. A testimonial by a person who names herself Svali. If the link doesn't work you can try it here.
Mind control in Rock & Roll. Article on mind control in Rock & Roll.
"I Sold My Soul To Rock'n'Roll" (& Mind Control) Several article on rock music, satanism and mind control. Take this with a grain of salt, even though the major outlines stand.
MK-Ultra Google search for this secret CIA mind control program.
Mind control forum. Resources, articles & links.
Mind control archives. At David Icke's site. Cathy O'Brien. Site of Cathy O'Brien, a mind control victim who wrote "Trance-formation of America".
Free ebooks. On conspiracy and metaphysical subjects. Several books on mind control.
MKzine. Hard copy magazine on coercive mind control, invasive human experimentation, and other related abuses. Some articles on site + links.
Mind control and ritual abuse
Mind control and ritual abuse. Page with many links on the subject. Be sure to find and download the book "The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave." (parts 1 & 2). A very revealing book with generally unknown information about the Illuminati, ritual abuse and mind manipulation. A chilling account of how mind control is achieved as f.i. in the monarch program, and about the torture, abuse and sacrifice of small children including embryos! Not recommended for the weak-hearted... Can be traumatizing to read, but contains essential info on a controversial subject.
North American Freedom Foundation Site on ritual abuse and mind control, human slavery, etc... articles & links.
911 and its aftermath.
Operation 911- No Suicide Pilots This is an excellent analysis of the 911 operation. Note that personally, I don't think the Mossad as such is involved, but those who actually planned it could - besides other goals - well have had Israel's "interests" in mind. The rest of the facts obviously show foul play. After reading the article, think back at how the media proudly announced that "unmanned spy planes" (tele-controlled) were able to check out all the Taliban territory before bombing it... Waddaya mean "a technique of the future"...?
Operation Northwoods It's not the first time US political and military leaders made a plan to strike against their own population. Only now they executed it...
Operation Northwoods More details on this plan...
The new Pearl Harbor How 911 and the war on Irak were planned long ago, and why...
New Seismic Data Refutes Official WTC Explanation.Were the WTC towers destroyed dynamited in a controled demolition explosion? If the link doesn't work, you can find the article here or here. Pentagon 2001 / 9 / 11 : the fraud ! What really happened at the Pentagon? Was there indeed a Boeing 757 that crashed into it, or was there something else? This is one of the best websites covering this question.
UK army deployment ONE WEEK BEFORE 911.
Conveniently, Britain had the biggest deployment of royal navy and royal marines since the Falklands just one week before 911. They were sent on an "exercise" to the Middle East...
Interview David Icke on 911. Interview with David Icke, who raises many crucial points about 911.
Some other crucial points. Report of a conference by David Icke with some other crucial points about 911.
Michel Chossudovsky on 911. Interesting QuickTime video. Broadband connection recommended.
Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President. A secret blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001. It also mentions plans for world domination and actions in the Middle East as well as China.
Nazis and Antarctica. Article.
Nazi UFOs. About how the NAZIs built their first working flying saucer already in 1934. It's written in oftentimes terrible English, but it's a great document and offers many great pictures. A "must visit"!
Nazi UFOs. Article about the Nazi UFO story.
Nazi UFOs. Google search for Nazi UFOs, using the keyword of one of their main models: the Haunebu.
Viktor Schauberger. Google search for articles on Viktor Schauberger, inventor of the first man-made vortex powered "flying saucer".
Independant and/or pretty reliable latest news sources
David Icke website headlines. Headlines page with original and republished articles.
Jeff Rense website. One of the best news sources online, as it includes news on subjects as the NWO, UFOs, ETs, hidden knowledge, alternative health, etc..., articles, & audio.
Information Clearinghouse In their words: News you won't find on CNN, Fox and other mooooooos....
Gulufuture. Great selection of news articles.
English Pravda. One of the most perceptive news sources online.
Prisonplanet. Alex Jones' last minute news from a NWO angle.
CentrExNews. Always up to date.
Indymedia. If nobody will talk/write about protests, they will.
Indymedia. Ibid, for UK.
WorldNetDaily. Sometimes offering original angles.
Overthrow.com Especially keeps on track with the Iraq war. Note that while they do a great job finding unreported news, some of the comments are unfortunately very ultra right wing...
UFOs, ETs UFOs & ETs General
Image from France, found in the cave of "Pech Merle" near "Le Cabrerets" dated at 17,000 - 15,000 BC. This detail is part of a scene depicting a landscape full of wildlife together with a number of saucer shaped objects below which stands a bipedal figure with a tail... Is this a reptilian humanoid?
Crop circle, UFO and sacred geometry T-shirts Great T-shirts with stunning designs.
The Biggest Secret Forum's UFO photo selection Great selection of UFO and ET pictures. A "must see"!
Chez.com An interesting site with many UFO and ET pictures, videos and articles.
UFO pictures. Phenomenon. Excellent collection of classic UFO and ET pictures, and other phenomena.
UFO casebook A vast and great collection of UFO picts.
Historic UFOs. Depictions of UFOs in historical artwork. Very cool.
Hoaxed video clip of a UFO at the WTC This amazing short video clip (+/- 15 sec.) of a UFO that supposedly filmed at the WTC before 911 is actually a hoax. I'll admit that it fooled me too! The file is for QuickTime.
Branton. The Omega files, on UFOs, ETs, hidden knowledge, etc...
The Dulce book. By Branton. About the ET underground base.
Jeff Rense website. One of the best news sources online, as it inlcudes news on subjects as the NWO, UFOs, ETs, hidden knowledge, alternative health, etc..., articles, & audio.
Starchild Project page. On a mysterious skull of alien/human crossbreed.
Alien Astronomer website. On UFOs, astronomy and hidden knowledge, articles, picts & links.
Zacharia Sitchin. Official site of this famous author, who unveiled the true history of the Anunnaki and the origins of most Old Testament Bible stories. Articles & links.
Nazi UFOs. About how the NAZIs built their first working flying saucer already in 1934. It's written in oftentimes terrible English, but it's a great document and offers many great pictures. A "must visit"!
Nazi UFOs. Article about the Nazi UFO story.
Nazi UFOs. Google search for Nazi UFOs, using the keyword of one of their main models: the Haunebu.
Viktor Schauberger. Google search for articles on Viktor Schauberger, inventor of the first man-made vortex powered "flying saucer".
Al Bielek Official site of Al Bielek, a survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment, and involved with Montauk. On time travel, ETs, and more. Articles, CD-roms & videos.
Al Bielek interview. The world-famous site Site on the paranormal, UFOs, Montauk, etc...
Montauk and Al Bielek Google search for more on Al Bielek and Montauk.
The Montauk Project THE Montauk website. Currently down. May be online when you read this.
Unity of Multi Site on Montauk, the Philidelphia experiment, UFOs, and much more... Articles & links.
Alien UFO Secret. Site with a huge amount of info on UFOs, ETs, the NWO etc...
Martian enigmas site. The face, pyramids and other unusual objects on Mars, articles & links.
Leading Edge research website. Interview with Alex Christopher on the Denver Airport, ETs, UFOs, etc... article & links.
Nexus magazine website. UFOs, ETs, science, alternative world views hidden knowledge, more, articles & links.
MUFON website. UFOs, ETs, articles & links. Find other MUFON sites here
UFO news and sightings, links.
Heidi Holler. Site of Heidi Holler, ET contactee.
The Lightside UFO study group. Site of ET contactees.
Contact with the Pleiadeans. Site on Billy Meier's contact with the Pleiadeans, articles & links. In my opinion he is a real contactee and he did get the occasion to make some excellent pictures of Pleadean Spaceships. However, there is also no doubt in my mind that for some reason (financial?) he definitely made a few faked pictures... See for yourself.
The Saucer.On UFOs, ETs, Flower of life, and more. Articles & Links.
The ultimate ufologists page. UFOs, pictures, articles, books, links.
The Enterprise Mission. Site on NASA s pace missions, UFOs, Mars, etc...; many articles, picts & links.
The Enterprise Mission. Article on the Hubble telescope and the Moon (and the pictures we are not supposed to see...); picts & links.
The Lunar anomalies homepage. Site on hidden knowledge about the moon, articles, picts & links.
Whitley Strieber website. UFOs, ET encounters, more, articles & links.
UFO info site. Articles & links.
Area 51. Archive.
Le centième singe. French website on UFOs and hidden knowledge, articles (in english) on the bar code, Diana, secret societies, etc...
Dulce. The secret files of a US intelligence agent concerning the Dulce base. Information from Jefferson Souza, a contactee who has had repeated encounters with the Vega Lyrans. Don't miss the info about the Metagene factor.
The Sentinel Files. Site on ETs and UFOs. Be sure to find an intersting pict of a reptilian here.
The Diary of Admiral Byrd. The account of US Admiral Byrd's encounter with ET humanoids in the Antarctica.
SkySpy. Site on ancient archaeology, Atlantis, Antarctica and more. Articles & links.
David Icke website. Archive on reptilians, articles.
Reptoids website. Many articles on reptilians and their history, articles, picts & links.
Flying Serpents and dragons. Ebook on the Reptilians of ancient history, such as in Sumer.
Crop Circles
Peter Sorensen homepage. Stunning cropcircle pictures of 1999.
Cropcircle Connector website. More cropcircle pictures from 1979 up to now! Become a member to keep this site on line!
Lucy Pringle Great cropcircle pictures by this photographer.
Cropcircle reconstructions. Some great reconstructions of crop circles, a great analysis of their geometrical structures.
UFO Links.
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